Monday 2 July 2012

GURU PURNIMA :: The Festival of Guru's

Grace- Receiving Technology

There are time honored technologies that will connect you and keep you connected to this abundant energy of Grace. Jupiter touches the Earth through the body of the Guru or Supreme Teacher or Guide.
The Sandals of the Guru's Feet are considered a very sacred object. We are having this symbolic representation fully energized and infused with powerful rituals on Guru Purnima day. The Guru’s Grace Energy will emanate from the Sandals to give you long lasting, awakening and deepening relationship with God.
A fully Enlightened Guru has an awakened and active Crown Chakra - called the Thousand Petal Lotus. This is the access point of all eternity. All the nerves from the Crown Chakra flow to the feet -- the intersection of Heaven on Earth. The Guru's Feet are the shortcut to the Divine Realms.
Kularnava Tantra says: “Remember the Guru’s Sandals … They provide protection against great diseases, great disturbances, great evils, great fears, great calamities, and great sins,”

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