Monday 2 July 2012


Do You Have Grace?

Grace is the ultimate key required for spiritual self-realization and to transcend the bondage of lifetimes of Karma. Grace is Light and shows up in your life as luck. Even if your chart is full of afflictions, things still work out if you have Grace. Einstein had Grace, he described the moments of discovery as "a Light coming upon him". Recognize that luck in your life means you have Grace and there is no such thing as too much. You can increase the flow of Grace on this Full Moon day.
Throughout the ages the Guru Purnima Moon has been identified and recognized to bring bountiful blessings to those seeking God's Grace. This Divine Moon occurs once a year and is the most important time by far for accessing the Divine. It is the first Full Moon following the greatest day of light (Summer Solstice), in the constellation of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter (Guru) and in the Nakshatra of Moola, a deeply spiritual star. This year it occurs on a Tuesday, bringing in the presence of Muruga, who is considered the Lord of the Earth. This means all Gods and Goddesses are present to give your deepest hearts' desire fulfillment through the Guru.

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