Saturday 23 June 2012



Indian cuisine has been influenced by a 5000-year history of various groups and cultures interacting with the subcontinent, leading to the diversity of flavors and regional cuisines found in modern-day India.


Many recipes first emerged during the initial Vedic period, when India was still heavily forested and agriculture was complemented with game hunting and forest produce. In Vedic times, a normal diet consisted of fruit, vegetables, grain, dairy products, honey, and meat, especially poultry. Over time, some segments of the population embraced vegetarianism. The advent of Buddhism affected this shift, as well as an equitable climate permitting a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains to be grown throughout the year. A food classification system that categorized any item as saatvic, raajsic or taamsic developed in Ayurveda. The Bhagavad Gita prescribes certain dietary practices (Chapter 17, Verses 8-10). In this period, consumption of beef became taboo; many Indians continue to abide by this belief, making the use of beef in Indian cuisine rather rare.

Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, several North Indian dynasties were predominant, including the Gupta dynasty. Travelers who visited India during this period introduced new cooking methods and products to the region, such as tea and spices. Later, Northern India was invaded by Central Asian cultures, which led to the emergence of Mughlai cuisine, a mix of Indian and Central Asian cuisine. Hallmarks of this cuisine include several seasonings, such as saffron, and the practice of cooking in a sealed pot called a dum.

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