Monday 6 August 2012

MAHA - BHARATA :: preaching of KRISNA

Chapter :1 Observing the Armies on the Battlefield of Kurukshetra

    The armies of  Pandava's and Kaurava's  have  assembled at Kurukshetra. As Kurukshetra is dharmakshetra and   Krishna is dharma personified, so  the side, having Krishna with them will be victorious. Thus Duryodhana feels apprehensive due to the prowess of the Pandavas army. However, he pacifies himself by expressing the glories of  his own army to his martial Guru Dronacarya. Thus starting with Bhishma,  all warriors blow their counchshells to herald the beginning of  the war. A ferocious uproar results, shattering the hearts of the Kurus.

    Krishna is driving Arjuna's chariot. Unlike in other wars, Arjun wants to see the opponents more clearly so he orders Krishna, to drive his chariot into the midist of armies. The infallible Krishna become conquered by the devotion of Arjun. We all are the eternal servants of Krishna. Out of love for his devotees, Krsna accepts their service and derives pleasure by reciprocating with them in this way.

    The mighty armed Arjun, after seeing all his  friends and  relatives standing to fight with him, is  filled with compassion for them. As Krishna wants to establish the 'paramapara' again by giving the message of Bhagavad Gita, he bewilders Arjun with his Maya shakti(material energy).  Thus by seeing his opponents, Arjun is overwhelmed with grief.  Arjun experiences severe emotional reactions. His mouth dries (28), and his body shakes (29). Thus, he looses his interest in fighting and starts giving arguments against the war. He argues that if others are blinded by the selfish motive to gain a  Kingdom, why should he also become 'blind'?

    Arjun feels that no good could result from the war, as it is sinful to kill one's family, under any circumstance (36). He  argues that how the war causes destruction and  degradation to  society.  Arjun  decides not to fight. Arjun exclaims that before engaging in this 'selfish act' (44), he would prefer to be killed by Duryodhan, unresisting.(45) Arjun casts his bow aside.  Being overwhelmed by Krishna's illusory shakti,  he becomes grief stricken (46).

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