Sunday 5 August 2012

KRISNA's Gift to poor Sudama

Sudama returns home to find in place of it, a golden palace, the gift of Krishna, ca 1775-1790 painting.
Sudama was Lord Krishna’s classmate and a very intimate friend. Lord Krishna was a king. Sudama was a moneyless, poor Brahmin. This difference did not come in way of their true friendship. Sudhama went to Dwarka to meet Krishna. He carried a very very humble gift to be presented to Lord Krishna. What did he carry? Some books say he carried pohe (beaten rice), while some books and movies say he carried sathu powder (peeth). This confusing difference is because Sudhama carried neither suttu nor pohe. He carried with him a combination of sattu and pohe called “sattu-peeth pohe”.[citation needed] It is an exclusive speciality of Samvadhi Lad Brahmins to which Sudhama belonged. That Sudhama was a Samvadi Lad Brahmin is more or less widely accepted; whether his home town was Bhurgakacha (Bhadoch) or Porbander is a point on which minor difference of opinion exist.
Shri krishna-Sudama is an immortal example of real, non-materialistic friendship. It is a perpetual symbolic definition of real friendship. Sathu-peet pohe is a very tasty, ready-to-serve, easy-to-carry food In it poha (beaten rice) is smeared with sathu while it is fried. Suthu peeth is prepared from grama (phutana) and wheat flour.

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