Tuesday 7 August 2012


Garhwali food is very simple but very nutritious completely suits the hard environment. Pulses like Gehet,gauth,swanta,toor(tur), gauthare fashioned into different preparations like ras-bhaat, chainsu, faanu and thatwaani, thatchwari, kwuadu attu, miceyani roti all are unique preparations. In sweet dishes primarily tasmai, lapsi, arsa, rwatna, kandku, palyu are relished by all Garhwali ppl. In chutneys bhangjeera has no substitute. Jholi or curry seasoned with curd. Chudkani and jol made from bhatt pulses. Cereals like Koda with rice and wheat are popular. Kaaphli which is the same as saag of Punjab is also popular. Fruits like maltas(mekauti), narangi grow in the upper himalayas and papayas and mangoes in somewhat lower hilly areas such as pola(near tilwara) are grown.
Since garhwal region comprises rugged mountains so the flora and fauna of different climatic conditions are readily available to be used in everyday cooking. This naturally provides the scope for the variety of cuisine in a garhwali kitchen.

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